As part of a series of events marking 400 years since the Mayflower’s departure from Southampton and Plymouth, last night we were treated to a surreal, fun and quirky sci-fi dance display. At 8pm, the ‘Future Cargo’ truck ominously sitting on Guildhall Square opens up and reveals its contents. I guarantee Guildhall Square has never quite seen anything like it.

The display makes full use of an internal conveyor belt and a Tardis-esque number of props. The coordination between the dancers, who are kept very busy throughout the 45 minute run time, is spot on and very other-worldly. The action on ‘screen’ is matched by stereo sound delivered through special headphones, really taking you out of the square and into the world of Future Cargo.

We finished the evening with drinks at Mettricks Guildhall, and what may be a contender for the best halloumi fries in the city. Coated in a ‘Southern fried halloumi’ style they were crunchy on the outside and gooey in the middle. They pair very well with the 2 for £10 cocktail offer.

The last opportunity to see it is tonight, and tickets are still available via the Visit Southampton website. If you can catch it, I thoroughly recommend it.